Thursday, May 6, 2010

Black and White Guitar

My favorite colors are black and white, so on photoshop I used a filter to do that.

Tommyknockers at the Beach

I used filters to make it green, rippling, and fuzzy

A Very Unphotogenic Dog

Sam isn't the biggest fan of my camera


I took this photo when the cook was doing a fire act.

Awesome Blue and Purple Guitar

I made a plain guitar look really cool

My Kitten Blend In

Merlin looks like a present under the tree

Another Picture of Studley

He was very calm in this picture

Studley a Feisty Horse

This was the most beautiful horse at camp

My Dog Samantha

This is the best picture of my dog.

My Cat Merlin

This is the best picture of my cat

Photos Kyle's Style

Here are some of the photos that I am most proud of. Some of them I took a long time a go, and others are from my Digital Photography class this year.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Photography Kyle's Style

Hello my Name is Kyle and I have been taking a photography class this year. I took this class because I have enjoyed photography since the first time I picked up a camera. In this course it has taught me many more things about photography. I have learned about filters, and adjusting pictures with different software. I own a copy of Photoshop Elements 8. At first I had no idea how to use it, but as I went through this course I learned how to. Now that I have that experience I can become the Digital Photographer I aspire to be.